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At first, many Native Americans were friendly to the Pilgrims, but they soon learned to distrust them once they realized that the Pilgrims were there to take over their land.

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Q: Why were the Indians not friendly to the Pilgrims?
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How do Indians and pilgrims get along?

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With whom did the Pilgrims celebrate Thanksgiving?

The Pokanoket Indians who accompanied Chief Massassoit [c. 1581-1661] celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims. Their Chief had concluded a treaty with the Pilgrims, on March 22, 1621. He had agreed to friendly interactions with the Pilgrims as protection for Wampanoag Confederacy peoples against their enemies, the Narragansett Indians of the area.

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The Native American's were cautioness, and they were kind to them.They helped them make shelter, plant crops, and protect themselves.They were basically in an alliance.

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The Indians who helped the pilgrims were Wampanoag.

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Yes pilgrims did marry Indians.

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The Pilgrims were the newcomers in the "New World". The "Indians" or native people were already here. I guess you could say the Pilgrims came here and found the "Indians" who were already here.

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Indians were looking for peyote and apparently the pilgrims were looking to exterminate the indian race.

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the pilgrims ate with Indians and other people.

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Who is a better representation for thanksgiving pilgrims or Indians?

Indians because at first the pilgrims just came and invaded there land when the Indians were living there peaceful

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Did the pilgrims make friends with the Indians?

Yes, this is where Pilgrims got lots of plants. The Indians got cattle from the Europeans.