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Q: Why were the Metis and native people not consulted about confederation?
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Why did metis come to Alberta?

Metis people didn't come to Canada, they were born there. When Europeans came to Canada, many of them married Native women. the children of these couples were Metis.

Why did the government ignore the metis pleas for help?

The Metis are people who are half Native American, and that created a situation where they were not accepted into either society. No support was given because of their Native bloodlines.

How did Zeus kill metis?

Metis was Athena's mother. An oracle consulted Zeus while she was pregnant with Athena telling him that the child would one day overtake him and olympus. Zeus, afraid then ate Metis.

How was Louis riel metis cause its said that his mom was the 1st European woman to come to the west n that means she was European his father cannot be native if your father was native you arent metis?

The exact deffinition of Metis is some of European and native ansestry. So yes in fact you can me Metis if your fathers native and uour mothers eauropean

What are the similarities and differences between metis and Ontario settlers?

The Metis were/are interbred native and settler stock.

How did Louis riel fight metis?

Louis Riel didnt fight metis people, he was a metis, he was fighting FOR the metis

What are the metis?

The Métis are a people that are descended from intermarriage between the native Northern Plains Indians and the French-Canadian explorers and settlers. They live mostly in the borderlands between Canada and the Northern Plain States.

What are the differences between Metis people and Inuit people?

Both Inuit and Metis describe Aboriginal Canadians. The Metis have a mixed First Nations and European heritage, but are now considered distinct from First Nations and Inuit, but with equal recognition. The Inuit people are those not covered by either First Nations or Metis, but often mistakenly referred to as Eskimos which generally encompasses Inuit, Yupik and other circumpolar native peoples.

Term used for French man gone native?


What do the Metis look like?

it depends. im metis and have dirty blonde - light brown hair and tannish skin. some metis look really white, some metis look really native. it all depends.

What the Metis people invented?

hat d the metis ivent or do

What did Metis people wear for clothing?

Metis people were very cautious about what furs they would wear