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13y ago

The Romans obtained their empire by conquest, treaty, the grating of citizenship and sometimes by inheritance.

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12y ago

They were able to gain territory because they had a strong army that organized into legions.

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Q: How did the Romans get so much land?
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Why were the Romans able to take so much land?

strong military and advanced tactics and weapons

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The Romans left England because there land was being attacked so all their men retreated

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Greek of course. the Romans conquered the Greeks, forcing to share land with them.

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the Romans had an army to concur land and make there empire stronger.

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No. There is no indication that the Romans every reached South America.

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So that they could gain land and so that they could build homes and roads but also to show HOW powerful they are....

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Architecture to a degree. By the times the Romans came to Britain they were just about on the out, so not as much remained as it could have.

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in the poo land