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The U.S. Marines occupied Nicaragua from 1912 to 1933, except for a nine-month period beginning in 1925. They had been invited to intervene against a political insurrection by Nicaraguan President Adolfo Diaz because he could not ensure the safety of American citizens in his country. The U.S. Marines had evacuated in 1925, but a violent conflict erupted between Liberals and Conservatives in 1926, so they returned.

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Q: Why were the U.S. Marines sent to Nicaragua in 1926?
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What nation was invaded by US Marines in 1926?

Nicaragua, they stayed there for seven years.

Why did the united states send marines to nicaragua?

First, in 1925 Coolidge withdrew the marines from Nicaragua but then sent them back on 1927 to counter a revolution.

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Beirut , Lebanon .

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United States Marines were sent March 8, 1965.

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In the 1950s and 1960s Eisenhower and Kennedy sent US soldiers to South Vietnam. In 1965 President Johnson sent the US Marines.

What happened on November 11 1926?

The new President of Nicaragua was elected, Adolfo Diaz US Route 66 was established

Who was the president that sent America to the Vietman war?

Eisenhower, Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Ford; all sent US forces to the war. Nixon sent replacements, Ford sent replacements and US Marines.

How did the expansion of US military involvement change under President Johnson?

Johnson sent in the Marines. Prior to that moment in time, the US was providing "advisors", technical and intelligence support, logistics and training specialists. The Marines were sent in to provide protection for those services. The US commitment was sealed at that moment in time.

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The Cubans put missles in the dominican republic, and sent troops there. So we went to fight communism

What president sent troops to Vietnam last?

President Ford had to send in US Marines and US Sailors to help evacuate Saigon in April 1975.

What happen after 240 US Marines were killed in Lebanon?

US Marines were withdrawn from Lebanon.The marines were withdrawn from Lebanon A+ answerThe Marines were withdrawn from Lebanon

How does the marines protect us?

the marines protect us from the air