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Q: Why were the colonists trying to send a message to the Boston tea party?
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I don't know and I am trying to find out. Anyone know?

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The colonists fury over taxation cliimaxed how?

Boston Tea Party

Who name the Boston Tea Party?

the colonists

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the british

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Boston tea party

Who did the Boston ea party?

it was the americans or what was called the colonists

Why is samuell Adams famous?

he lead the colonists to the Boston tea party and he is known as the " Father of the Revolution"

Some colonists celebrated the dramatic act of defiance known as the?

Boston tea party and stamp act

Did the colonists get taxed after the Boston Tea Party?

After the boston tea party the king taxed all the tea in the colonies.

Was there a king in the Boston tea party?

No, what are you talking about? The Boston Tea Party was a rebellion of the colonists against England and their taxes.

What caused the colonists to separate?

Boston Tea Party Boston Massacre and Boycotts :D