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they were strongly criticised by the troops as they lived in grand conditions while the troops lived in poverty in the trenches. they also had little or no regard for the lives of their men. this caused a large majority of the troops to feel resent towards the seniour officers.

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Q: Why were the generals the targets of so much criticism in ww1?
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What was the criticism of World War 1?

There is a lot of criticism of WW1, however, one of the main fundemental criticisms often pointed out is that WW1 is the cause of WW2. As much as I would like to talk about this topic; I frankly cba!!

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History in the past has helped people just like with WW1 Generals in the army had made mistakes then other generals (when they came into power) learned from those mistakes and made more different mistakes, finally other generals learned from all the different mistakes meaning they managed to solve the problem in the end this helped the world and stalemate in WW1 (sorry if this explanation is a bit complicated but i think u can get the point!)

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Some of them were generals, soldiers from WW1, scientists and normal workers who were angry with the depression and resession (mostly crooks and criminals).

What exactly did world war 1 generals do?

Some, apparrently, tried to move their cocktail cabinets 6 feet nearer to Berlin ! They did what all generals did, fought the war before this one. It's so easy to criticise.... Modern weaponry had changed war beyond recognition but the basic instrument, the Mark I Human was still much the same as he always had been. Industrialisation brought death on an industrial scale, despite the advances of technology the price paid in human misery was immense. WW1 magnified the concept of there being no winners in warfare. I'm thinking that goes for the generals as much as anyone

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about £500

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They pretty much fought in WW1. That's pretty much all there is to it. Haha. :] They fought in WW1. That's pretty much all there is to it. Haha. :]

How much money did Germany have at WW1?

they had billions and billions of pounds

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A lot beacuse of the reperations

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however much money it takes to kill a lot of people

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How much did a rifle cost in WW1?

Depended on the rifle. $5-$500