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Q: Why were the only major Americans ships left in the pacific after Japanese attack on pearl harbor why?
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What was attack on Pearl harbor all about?

the Japanese wanted to take the Americans out of the war so that they could take over the pacific.

How did the Japanese attack the Americans in Pearl Harbor?

They flew in and bombed them

Where were Japanese Americans sent after pearl harbor attack?


Why was attack on Pearl Harbor illegal?

the attack on Pearl Harbor wasn't illegal. The attack was a surprise by the Japanese who were dependent on the American supply of oil in the Pacific Ocean.

Why did they have to attack Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor was to take the American Carriers out of the war to make the Americans vulnerable to attack.

Why did the Japanese attack the uss lexington in pearl harbor?

Japan wanted US out of the out Pacific

How did Japanese Americans suffer after japan's attack on pearl harbor?

It cannot be described.

Why was the Japanese attack on pearl harbor such a surprise?

The December 7, 1941, attack by the Japanese upon Pearl Harbor was a great surprise for primarily one reason: the Americans expected a Japanese attack to happen much farther west or south in the Pacific region. General hostilities had long been expected, but no one foresaw that the Japanese would dare to venture so far eastwards in order to start a war. The strict secrecy in which the attack was wrapped by the Japanese was yet another key factor.

Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor show both views?

The Japanese needed to neutralize the US by attacking Pearl Harbor so that they could expand Japanese interests in the Pacific .

What did Americans react to japanese-Americans as a result of the attack on pearl harbor?

most Japanese Americans were treated badly by Americans there were mass movements of them to camps to prevent espionage

What event brought US into World war two?

The Japanese attack on the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

What event which pushed Americans fully into World War 2 occurred on December 7th 1941?

That was the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.