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Dictatorships find it very useful to have special police organizations whose ruthlessness and cruelty strikes fear in the hearts of anyone who might want to oppose the Dictatorship.

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Q: Why were there different secret police during the Holocaust?
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What does gestapo mean during holocaust?

It means the Secret Police... They were the ones always trying to find the Jews to put them in the camps.

Who was the secret police of Germany during world war2?

The Gestapo (State Police) .

Was there any deep dark secret behind the Holocaust?

The Holocaust itself was the secret.

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Who were the secret police during World War 2?

Gestapo (Germany)

What was another name the German police during HiItler's time?

It sounds as if you are thinking of the Gestapo - which was a secret and political police.

Did Anne Live in the secret Annex during the holocaust?

Yes, Anne Frank and her family hid in the secret annex in Amsterdam during the Holocaust to escape Nazi persecution. They lived there for over two years before being discovered and arrested by the Gestapo.

What is a costopo?

The word you are looking for is Gestapo. It is the secret police arm of the German Army in World War II. They were responsible for creating the death camps of the Holocaust.

Pictures of the camps in Holocaust?

There are very few photos taken during the holocaust itself. The holocaust was top secret and photography was forbidden. A few SS men did, however, take photos, but not all of these are generally available.

How were some children during the holocaust?

them and there families were hidden in secret locations called a annex (example Anne frank)

What is secrection?

the secret annex is the small apartment where Anne Frank, her family, and a few others lived during the Holocaust.

Who was Germany's secret police organization called?

GeStaPo (Geheime Staatspolizei -> Secret State Police)