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Q: Why were there disagreements at the Potsdam conference?
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The allied leaders met for a conference in July of 1945 the in Potsdam.

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Potsdam Conference

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World War 2 the conference that decided fate of Germany?

The Potsdam Conference.

Similarities between potsdam and yalta conference?

Similarities were that they were both about what to do after the war

At the potsdam conference which nation did the allies agree to split into four zones of occupation?

At the Potsdam Conference, the Allies agreed to split Germany into four zones of occupation.

What city in Germany did Truman meet with churchill and Stalin?

Potsdam of the federal state of Brandenburg in Germany. It was known as the Potsdam conference.

What was the conference between Franklin Delano Roosevelt Stalin and Churchill?

The conference is known as the Potsdam Conference. They also had a conference in Casablanca.

Which countries were involved in deciding the fate of Germany after World War 2 at the Potsdam Conference?

The Potsdam Conference consisted of England/Churchill , Russia/Stalin and US/Truman .

What was determined at the 1943 Potsdam Conference?

The Potsdam Conference discussed how to punish Nazi Germany , the post-war order , peace treaties issues and countering the effects of war .