actually, the big three were not at potsdam. by that time FDR had died and was replaced by truman. they were there to discuss post war arrangements.
The Potsdam Conference consisted of England/Churchill , Russia/Stalin and US/Truman .
The Potsdam Conference discussed how to punish Nazi Germany , the post-war order , peace treaties issues and countering the effects of war .
The Big Three: Truman, Churchill, and Stalin. Clement Attlee later replaced Churchill.
The Potsdam Conference.
It became painfully evident at the Potsdam Conference Stalin was going to be a huge problem after the war and that England was no longer a significant force. The situation at Potsdam revealed the leadership changed from the Big 3 to the Big 2 in the Allied Forces.
potsdam conference
The Yalta ConferenceThe Potsdam ConferenceThe Casablanca Conference
The allied leaders met for a conference in July of 1945 the in Potsdam.
Potsdam Conference
The purpose of the Potsdam Conference, held August 2, 1945, was to decide punishment for Germany and how to pick the pieces up in Europe after World War II. It is sometimes referred to as the Berlin Conference of the Three Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and UK.
The Potsdam Conference.
Yalta or Potsdam.
Similarities were that they were both about what to do after the war