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Q: Why were witch -hunts so popular during 17 century?
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Why was The Crucible by Arthur Miller so popular during 1950s?

it showed the dangers of witch hunts?

When did the witch hunts happen?

In the late 16th century and beginning of the 17th century.

What are some examples of modern day witch hunts?

There are witch hunts in part of Sub-Saharan Africa. India is another place that still practices witch hunts. In 2010, India had an 150 and 200 women killed during witch hunts.

What is the origin of the phrase 'witch hunt'?

Witch hunt actually originates from with hunts in past centuries. From 1480 to 1750 is considered the classical period of witch hunts. The last executions happened in the 18th century.

What years were the witch hunts in America?

This happened during the 1690's

Who started McCartyhyism?

Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, during the Communist witch hunts of the 1950's.

How were witches regarded during the time of the Salem witch hunts?

Witches were regarded as supernatural agents of evil.

Why was The Crucible by Arthur Miller so popular during the 1950?

. It showed the dangers of witch hunts. It compared anti-Communists to witch hunters. Arthur Miller was making a statement about the Red Scare.

Are there witch hunts now?

There are actual witch hunts going on today in some parts of the world, though the people of the rest of the world know better than to hunt for actual witches. There are things metaphorically called witch hunts going on today in parts of the world where people know better than to hunt for actual witches. Sometimes the things metaphorically called witch hunts are worse. There is a link to an article on witch hunts below.

Who was the first person to start witch hunts?

The first recorded large-scale witch hunt took place in Europe during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern period. One of the most infamous witch hunts was conducted by the Catholic Church and state authorities in the late 15th century, led by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, who wrote the Malleus Maleficarum - a manual on how to identify and prosecute witches. However, belief in witches and persecution of alleged witches predates this period in various cultures around the world.

Why did the witch hunts take place?

In Plilibelpia!

What is a witch finder?

a person employed to carry out witch-hunts and identify witches.