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The answer for your question is they needed money. They could not afford to buy food and clothes. The women had to work 20 hours and the had to wash, clean, and etc. The kids had to work when they were like 3 years old. The kids worked 10 hours at least. Or they worked more.

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Q: Why were women and children employed in coal mines during the industrial revolution?
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How many children were employed in the US in the industrial revolution?

Child labor was a staple of the American Industrial Revolution. It is estimated that approximately 1.75 million children were employed during this time period, although the true figure is not known.

How many children were employed in the US during the industrial revolution?

The answer regarding the number of children working in factories in the US during the industrial revolution cannot be substantiated at all. No one was taking count, and workers were able to leave factories and work on farms.

Where did the children live during the industrial revolution?

With their parents.

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10 hours

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I don't know lol :/. Sorry

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