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Q: Why when you yawn or breathe do you feel light-headed?
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What do you get rid of while you yawn?

when you yawn you get rid of carbon dioxide and breathe in oxygen.

What do you do when you don't get enough oxygen to breathe?

Human beings die in a few minutes if they are not able to breathe, or are deprived of oxygen. If you should find yourself in such a situation, obviously you should attempt to escape from it. Failing that, you will die.

Why do you stretch after you yawn?

because we feel tired

What does a yawn do?

When you yawn, its because you're a little inactive. When youre not doing anything, you breathe slowly, not letting enough air get to your lungs. So your brain tells you to take a deep breath, which is what we call a 'yawn' -from Taylor (a 12 year old)

What happens when you get hit in the temple and it gets swollen and feel a little lightheaded?

it hurts ;(

Why would a 12 year old feel lightheaded?

probably from being overheated

Why you feel lightheaded when you bend your neck down?

because the blood rushes down to your head.

Do Mosquitoes yawn?

Mosquitoes have spiracles, which are tiny tubes carrying air through their bodies. They do not have lungs like we do. They force air in and out through their bodies. They get oxygen like we do but do not breathe in the same manner.

Why do you feel lightheaded when you stand up?

because your blood rushes around your body sometimes and your head feels weird.

What happens in your body when you yawn or swallow?

When you feel sleepy, you yawn. When you feel bored, you yawn. The kid next to you yawns. You yawn, too--even if you are wide awake and having a good time. So why are you yawning? Let's check it out. Your body needs oxygen. You get oxygen by breathing in air. Your body also needs to get rid of carbon dioxide. When you breathe out, this carbon dioxide is carried out of your body. Your brain makes sure you have the right amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body. If you have too much carbon dioxide in your body, your brain tells your mouth to open. It tells your throat to tighten. And it tells your chest to take a deep breath. In other words, your brain makes you yawn. Oxygen rushes in. Carbon dioxide rushes out.

How do you feel if you can't do something?

There is nothing you cannot help doing when you yawn. You do not even need to open your mouth - it is certainly possible to yawn with a closed mouth.

Why do you feel light headed 2 hours after taking tablets for your fever?

The reason you may feel lightheaded 2 hours after taking tablets for your fever could be as a side effect of the medication. It could also be due to the fact that you are ill, your body is weak and if you haven't eaten any food in a while, you are bound to feel lightheaded.