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Men were originally the stronger gender in the past, thus submissing females.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 17h ago

Women were considered radically different from men due to traditional gender roles and stereotypes that emphasized women's perceived physical and emotional differences, such as being more nurturing and domestic. These beliefs led to the social, economic, and political marginalization of women, portraying them as less capable than men in various aspects of life. Furthermore, historical patriarchal norms reinforced the idea that women were inherently inferior to men, perpetuating this perception of radical difference.

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Q: Why where womens cosidered redically different from men?
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Who waste more money men or women?

Spending habits can vary based on individual preferences and circumstances, rather than gender. Both men and women may spend money on different items or activities depending on their priorities, needs, and financial situation, making it difficult to generalize one gender as wasting more money than the other.

I heard that men's pay got cut in half when women got the right to work. does this have some truth?

No, this statement is not accurate. The ability for women to work does not directly impact men's pay in that way. Pay disparities between men and women are typically the result of various factors such as gender discrimination, historical inequalities, and societal norms.

Why do the WSPU not admit men as members?

The Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) did not admit men as members because it was founded as a women's suffrage movement aimed at advocating for women's political rights and representation. Excluding men was a strategic decision to emphasize the need for female empowerment and to focus on achieving women's voting rights.

What are schooner-men?

Schooner-men were sailors who operated schooners, which are sailing vessels with two or more masts. They were responsible for navigating, maintaining, and operating the schooner, including hoisting and adjusting sails, steering the ship, and performing other duties required for sailing. Schooner-men played a crucial role in the transportation of goods and passengers during the era of sailing ships.

Who makes more money men or women?

On average, men typically earn more than women due to factors such as occupational segregation, discrimination, and the gender pay gap. However, it is important to note that this varies depending on the country, industry, and job role. Efforts to close the gender pay gap are ongoing to ensure equal pay for equal work.

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Men are good

Is there a difference in men and womens urine?

Yes. They contain different hormones.

Are there womens skis and mend skis?

yes there are different skis for men and women the difference is the radius

What is size 2 womens in men's size?

Size 2 women's WHAT? The answer will be different for shoes than it will be for pants.

Do men uggs fit like womens uggs?

no. mens feet are smaller in womens so if you are a five in men shoes your a seven in women

Can men collect womens clothes?

Yes, men can collect women clothes.

Why don't men wear thong sandals?

Because their toes are nasty. how are there toes any different than womens just that they dont have polish on them.

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Womens sometimes mens

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Are womens more attracted to tall men?

Its not about looks...........

Where can you buy men's thongs?

just wear womens

Is the heart the same size for men as a womens?

Yes, it is.