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Because it is table salt

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Q: Why will you not get sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chlorine is poisonous?
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Why will you not become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chlorine is poisonous?

because when sodium combines with chlorine, the properties change.

Why will you not become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chloride is poisonous?

Chlorine gas is highly toxic, but in table salt it has been rendered into the chloride ion, which is much less reactive.

Why wouldn't you become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chlorine is poisonous?

Because the chloride- ion in sodium chloride is not chlorine and does not have its chemical properties. In fact chloride- ions are necessary for proper functioning of your body.However, if you ate a very large amount of sodium chloride it would make you sick. It would upset the electrolyte balance in your intestines causing diarrhea. This used to be used in the preparation for colonoscopies (you spent the entire night on the toilet!) But this is due equally to the sodium+ and chloride- ions, not just the chloride- ion.

What does Sodium chloride contain?

I think sodium,salt,chloride and that's it i think but double check though don't listen to the guy before me its sodium and chlorine. salt is what the compound reaction produces and chloride is the compound term for chlorine. I REPEAT THE ANSWER IS SODIUM AND CHLORINE

Why you not become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chloride is poisonous answer?

the mixture between the two creates a safe neutral compound

What is the main ingredient in table salt?

salt is made up of sodium & chlorine, & that's why its scientific name is NaCl- sodium chloride. sodium, though, makes up the majority of table salt.

What elements combin to make salt?

Sodium and chlorine combine to make the most common salt, sodium chloride. It should be noted though, that many different elements can combine to make many different salts.

What is the chemical name of rock salt?

Table salt is sodium chloride, or NaCl. It might also be called halite (which is the name of sodium chloride crystals considered as a mineral), though that's more the geological name for salt).

What is chlorine good for?

First of all, it is often used in pools and water treatment plants to kill waterborne microbes. A compound of it, sodium hypochlorite, is standard bleach. Pure chlorine, however, does not have many uses; it is a odorous green gas that is highly poisonous if inhaled. It does form salts with many elements, though; the most famous is sodium chloride, standard table salt.

Why does when sodiumbromide reacts with chlorine the solution turns yellow?

Sodium bromide reacts with chlorine to produce sodium chloride and bromine. 2NaBr + Cl2 --> 2NaCl + Br2. Bromine in color, though may appear yellowish in low concentrations.

What is the difference between iodide and chloride?

They are different ionic compounds, sodium chloride is NaCl, sodium iodide is denoted NaI. Both are soluable in water, though NaI is more soluable. They look quite similar as both are white crystalline salts. They are used for different purposes though.

Suggest how you could obtain solid sodium chloride from a mixture of sand sodium chloride?

Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride will yield chlorine gas and liquid sodium metal which will cool to solid sodium metal. Electrolysis is best though reaction of molten NaCl with potassium, rubidium or cesium would be an alternative (not producing chlorine but exchanging metals to form the other chlorides).Actually any of these reactions are not a (physical) extraction as said in the question.