

Which dog uses a litter box?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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Cats like to bury or cover their leavings

By providing a place that does not smell and is easy to bury it in the cat naturally use it.

Just a human manipulation of a natural cat behaviour.

I must remember to change the box today!

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13y ago
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14y ago

1. Maybe because they're not used to it.

2. Perhaps because it smells bad; hasn't been cleaned in a while.

3. Maybe because they like urinating and pooping outside of their litter box.

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12y ago

Some cats are picky on if the litter box is too small, some do not like covers over the litter box, while some do want the cover, some do not like fragrant litters, and most importantly cats don't like to go in a dirty box. Cats are very picky animals, even right down to where they go wee-wee. Just make sure your cats litter box is constantly clean and possibly experiment with different types of litter boxes (or even litters if your cat still refuses to go in the litter box). Also, experiment on where to put the litter box and always make sure you show your cat where the litter box is; put your cat in the litter box right when it was put down in a new area to show them that it is there. I personally converted two closets in my house into kitty litter box rooms, they seem to like the privacy :)

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12y ago

it can mean 2 things

1. your cat dosent know where it is.

2. your cat dosent know how to use a litter box. (only if you just got the cat)

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12y ago

Dogs dont use litter boxes. They go outside dumb f*ck.

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14y ago

because they dont want to!

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Can a dog use a litter box?

I don't know, but i have had dogs eat my cat's poop before, so be careful! YUM! Dogs can be trained to use a litter box with a short (about 1 inch high) edge, but they do not like to hop over large sides. Also, dogs prefer to go on a "wee wee pad," instead of in litter.

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into the litter-box?

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A week. The litter can get all moldy and you should clean out the litter box once a week.

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