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I have the same problem right now. I don't know what your situation with him is but i can tell you that if he shows any signs of flirting he is just being a guy.

Boys love to feel special so when a girl texts them first, they feel needed. All you have to do is play his game. The guy i like though has a girlfriend even though he said he didn't AND when i told him he should be saying good morning sunshine to her instead of me, he said oh be quiet silly goose! If you have ANY advice on that please help. But what i did do was told him that i felt like i was bugging him because i always text him first and he said that i could never bug him and I'm like but still I'm not always going to text you first and the next day he found me at school and talked to me at lunch and then texted me after school so try that.

If you aren't good friends then maybe he just doesn't know you well enough to be interested so text him first once or twice. A couple times though and if he doesn't answer wait a week or two and when you have a good convo stop texting him randomly. But beat him to it.

Or i have heard to send a really personal message to him but say you meant for it to go to someone else. Like my guy friend tried to kiss me at homecoming so all i said was Austin i didn't kiss you because i don't want my first kiss to be with someone I don't like and stop pushing me about it. Danny texted me back so fast and was like I'm not Austin. Then just apologize and see where it goes. I hope this helped!

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Q: Why won't he ever text me 1st How can i get him to start texting me first?
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Generally guys are known to start the conversation first, so if she does she really wants to talk to you, if she doesn't, well its expected.

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As soon as the texting was added and was allowed on the account you have you can text. First though shut your phone off for about 20 seconds and then put it back on then you should be able to text!

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Actually surprisingly it was George Washington who invented texting. I'm serious.

What does it mean when a guy is never the one to text you first?

Girl/Guy it mean either A: he expects you to text or call him first B: he is playing hard to get or C: he dose not like you the way that you like him. Sorry but that could be the plain and simple truth. Ask him about it or wait and see if he text you. Maybe he is just playing hard to get or hes just not as keen on you as you are. PLAY HARD TO GET . but if you text him first i advise u to stop texting him first and he will think " wheres my attention gone"? , he will think your pulling away or giving up and he will start texting you back . hope this helps you