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I had the same problem. My computer wouldn't reconize the CD. I couldn't even install it. I went on to the internet and downloaded the EA Download Manager. After you do so follow the instructions. When it starts to download, don't be worried how long it takes. Mine took 5 1/2 hours but it certainly paid off. Uninstall your current download and try it with EA Downlaod Manager.

I wish I could answer that, I'm having that kind of problem to. i just bought my sims 3, and i put it into my computer, i have to press accept terms and what country you live in or the code to get sims points, then it comes to the part where it starts installing to my computer. It loads half way then stops. It just stops, it doesn't continue. So I exit it and try it again but the same things happen. I'm really confused, same as you. So I'm looking on Google for answers to my question, so I stumble on yours but theres no answer. but if someone else answered me and your question that would be cool. (i have no clue if that made sence, im not good on here, im on my laptop so its hard to type) :)

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Q: Why won't my sims 3 load I have the requirements If its my DVD drive how do i know if i need a new one?
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