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because if our doctors give them to us, and we don't even need them, then people who really need them, won't have any because there will be nothing left. So the people who need them may die. :o

Hope this helps megz x

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Because your body natutally fights infection and when it does this your body make what is called memory cells that remember how to fight this infection next time it iS encountered making natural immunity stronger

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Q: Why won't they be given antibiotics unless they have a serious bacterial infection?
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Can bacterial infection be cured?

Some can. ----------------- Yes, unless the infection is antibiotic resistant (e.g. MRSA), a bacterial infection can be treated very effectively with antibiotics. Where there is resistance to antibiotics, the older sulfonamide drugs will interfere with the bacterial cell division, slowing their growth rate giving the body's immune system time and a chance to cure the infection naturally. Finally, your body's immune system is curing bacterial infections all the time, it is only when this is overwhelmed that we need to help it.

Why are antibiotics not given unless a serious infection?

Bacteria can become immune to antibiotics and the antibiotics will not work in the future when you need them. They only work against bacteria and cold and flu are caused by viruses.

Will penicillin treat congestion and flu symptoms?

No, not unless the symptoms are caused by a secondary bacterial infection. Antibiotics like penicillin work only on bacteria. The flu is caused by a virus for which antibiotics have no curative effects.

Do shingles have an odor?

No. Unless there is secondary bacterial infection of the lesions.

What is the definition for tonsilitis?

An inflammamion of the tonsils due to a virus or bacterial infection. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for bacteria. If it is a virus, this will normally go away by itself. Tonsils are not usually removed unless there are recurrent problems.

Is it serious to have vaginal aching while urinating?

There is no way to tell unless you see a doctor. It could mean you have a bladder infection, which is usually easily cured by antibiotics. If it is anything more serious, only a doctor would be able to tell you.

Should you take antibiotic's when you have the flu?

usually no, unless you have a secondary bacterial infection

What is the antibiotic called used in clearing URI a cold in cats?

An upper respiratory infection in cats is generally caused by a virus, against which an antibiotic would be useless. Therefore, there should not be any antibiotics being prescribed for this unless a secondary bacterial infection was also diagnosed.

What antibiotic is commonly used to treat viral infections?

There are no antibiotics that are effective against viruses. In fact, they should never be used unless a secondary bacterial infection is present and this is best determined by culturing the drainage, whether it is from the nose, throat, blood, or sputum. Because some Dr.'s have overprescribed antibiotics, many of the common bacteria have developed resistance.

Are tattoos deadly?

not ususally...unless you get some serious infection or an allergic reaction

How long does the average illness last?

Viral illness 2 weeks, Bacterial with treatment 2 weeks unless serious. Serious illnesses are not included in my answer.

Is sinus infection bacteria?

A true sinus infection is caused by bacteria. Technically, you cannot be diagnosed with a sinus infection unless you have had symptoms (pressure above eyes or next to nose, nasal cogestion, headache) for two weeks. If the symptoms are more brief, then it could be a viral infection (caused by a virus) that goes away on its own. If it lasts for two weeks or more, go see a doctor and get antibiotics which will treat the bacterial infection.