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Q: Why wont bees touch the small white chickweed's of a red rose?
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Why are bees afraid of milk?

They're scared of the colour white because bees turn white when they die! SAD!

Do white tail bees sting?

A white tail bumblebee does have a stinger and will sting humans or other animals when it feels you are a danger to it. These bees also have a short tongue when compared to other bees.

Does only big bees sting?

No, all bees sting, big or small.

Are queen bees white?

No, queen bees are usually the same colour as the rest of the colony.

What kind of bees have white stripes and white on it eyes and white on the heaed?

the mama bee

How do get rid of honey bees in my eaves?

If you have a beekeeper in the area, they will come and remove the bees for you. If you can't get in touch with a beekeeper, an exterminator can come out and remove the bees. Honey bees are important to the environment, and shouldn't be killed unless it is a last resort.

What kind of bees are black and white and are their stings harmful?

i think Killer bees. im not sure though

Do honey bees have stipes?

Stripes yes. The small ones are honey bees, the large ones are bumble bees and may or may not have stripes.

Where can i get bees from i want bees?

If you want to start keeping bees, the best thing you can do is get in touch with a nearby beekeeper or contact your local beekeeping association. There is a lot to learn and other beekeepers will be only to pleased to help you.

What bees dont sting?

Wasps,hornets, honey-bees, bumble bees, killer bees.Only the females (queen and workers) can sting, the males (drones) can't.

How do bees get in a hive?

Through a small hole in the base.

What colors do bees hate?

if i paint my balcony red ,will honeybees come