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Q: Why would European nations give away land to people willing to settle and work in their colonies?
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Who European nations used indirect rule in its colonies?

the nation that had all the short black people

American colonists were unlike people in most colonies and nations becuase?

The colonists talked about tyranny because royal governors tried to American colonists were unlike people in most colonies and nations.

Who where the first European people to build colonies in the Americas?


Who were the first European people to build colonies in America?

the Spanish

How does it relate to the European imperialism of the time?

European nations often viewed colonized people as inferior to Europeans.

What is settlement colonies?

Settlement colonies are large groups of people from one country living together in a new country.

In which three areas of the world did European nations try to gain colonies and trading rights?

i dont know someone else figure it out you should know this stuff people! gosh

Why did european leaders urge people to move to the colonies?

To manage the imperial agenda - those colonies needed skilled administrators.

Who did the US and European nations hold responsible for the violence in the Balkans?

drive out of people

When did first nations interact with European explorers?

First Nations people began interacting with European explorers after the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. The interactions increased as more European expeditions reached the Americas in the following centuries.

Who took the English people to the 13 Colonies?

Until about the 1840s there were no shipping lines, and people had to find a ship willing to take them to America.

How did social affect European behavior?

It gave Europeans a reason to treat people in colonies badlyApex