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Many Christians see prayers as just a means of communication. Anytime you talk to God, you pray. Talking is worship. As far as the Mormons, that is to be more like God in their deeds-since they are mortal, worship not required to talk to them. Hope that answered your question.

No, because our goal as followers of God is to become LIKE him, meaning kind, forgiving, loving, selfless, etc. We are not God, so we should not be worshiped, we are simply trying to follow His example and teachings and adapt His personality traits, not His divinity. Worshiping anything but God is sacrelige.

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Q: Why would God want us to worship him and since the Mormon purpose of life is to become more like God should Mormons get people to worship them also?
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) does not have a slogan. However, here are some things that may be considered a type of slogan: "Choose the Right" - a common phrase among Mormons that began with a children's program about 50 years ago. "Visitors Welcome" - commonly posted on all Mormon church buildings to invite the public to worship. "As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become." - This catchy phrase was first put into use by a Mormon leader about 100 years ago, and sums up what Mormons believe is the purpose of life and eternity - to become like God. There have been a few slogans used in ads for the church, but none of these is an official slogan of the church. For example: "Family - isn't it about time?" and "I'm a Mormon"

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Is city of gold black hills related to book of mormons gold plates?

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Does the Mormon church celebrate marriage?

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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) believe in the "Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, which is one God" (Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 31:21) They believe that the Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Ghost are perfectly united in purpose, and thus "one God". However, they DO NOT believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are the SAME being. They are three separate and distinct beings. The Father and Son have perfected, resurrected, glorified bodies in the same image as man's (Genesis 1:26) while the Holy Ghost does not have a body, only a spirit. Members of the Church pray and worship God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, as he is the "mediator between God and man" (1 Timothy 2:5). To worship or pray to anyone or anything else is considered heresy. If you want to learn more about what Mormons believe about the three persons of God (the "Godhead"), visit the "Related Links" below.