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Gluten free diets are important for those individuals who have an allergy to gluten. You might also follow this diet if you are worried about possibly having a wheat allergy. Otherwise, there is no advantage to this diet.

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Q: Why would I want to go on a gluten free diet?
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Related questions

Where can I find some free gluten diet recipes?

There are various websites that have a plethora of gluten free recipes. For example, you could try,, or The best thing about this type of diet is that you can also purchase gluten free products in most of the larger grocery store chains if you decide you want to make something pre-packaged.

Does Betty Crocker have any gluten free dessert recipes?

Yes, Betty Crocker does have some gluten free dessert recipes. Also, if you want, you may be able to modify the recipes so that it would be a gluten free dessert.

Are you looking for gluten free recipes?

I am not looking for gluten free recipes. I don't have a gluten problem, but I have heard that being gluten free is better for you. I might start looking for gluten free recipes if that is true.

Why do you crave red meat on gluten free diet?

For the love of god somebody answer! I am on day 3 of no wheat and all I want is red meat.

What is involved in a gluten free diet plan?

Gluten free food like fruits, vegetables, meats etc. if they have not yet been contaminated or have gluten already.Corn, spelt, tapioca, potatoes, and rice.

Is almond milk gluten free?

Milk, butter, plain yogurt, fresh eggs and many cheeses are gluten-free.A gluten-free diet includes fruit, vegetables, nuts, meat, fish and eggs.All rice (in its natural form) is gluten-free.

Is all chips glutin free?

Really? Why would you even want to know this? well, anyway, no, I'm sure there are chips with gluten. you spelt gluten wrong.

What does a gluten-free diet consist of?

Things that don't have gluten such as milk, bread and other healthy things that don't contain the abominable gluten. Make sure you read the food labels and find out what you are consuming before eating them, this way you can make sure you get what you want in foods.

Gluten Free Diet Recipes?

If you have been diagnosed with Celiac's disease, or if you just want to experience some of the benefits of eating gluten free, here are some great gluten free diet recipes. -Considered roasted sweet potatoes as a starch instead of gluten filled items. When roasted with olive oil, they taste like sweet french fries, and are packed with fiber! -Avoid wheat pasta and instead bake a whole spaghetti squash, and then scoop out the stringy insides and cover with sauce for a low calories substitute. Make healthy fried rice at home with lots of vegetables and a gluten free soy sauce instead of gluten filled take out.

How do you manage gastroentritis disease?

I think this disease is linked to gluten intolerance, I am not completely sure so youmay want to look into it a little bit but i think it is related to it. If it is related Gluten Intolerance then just eat a very low Gluten diet until you know for sure but then go for a blood test to find out. If it is caused by Gluten Intolerance then use a Gluten free diet.

Is baked potatoes gluten free?

yes they are. you need to be careful about what you put on it

Is pretzels gluten free?

Gluten is in wheat, and wheat is found in most pretzels. However if you want gluten-free pretzels, you can go to grocery stores, and look for them. If they say gluten free, then they will not have Gluten in them. Whole Foods has the best gluten-free food selection of any grocery store I have been to.