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they were ordered to, men had to have 'Israel' as their middle name and women 'Sarah'.

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Q: Why would Jews change their names in Nazi Germany?
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In 1939 were Jews in Germany required by law to have Jewish names?

Yes, a 1938 decree simply added Israel to the given names of male Jews and Sara to the female Jews. (In Germany at the time Sara was regarded as a specifically Jewish given name, unlike in the English-speaking countries).

How long did Jews live in Germany?

The first Jews came to Germany 1150 years ago, at the very latest. Possibly earlier. It is known that Charlemagne brought (or invited) Jews to Germany; and we have the names of Rabbis in Germany 1100 years ago.

When and where did the Jews defeat Germany?

If you count the fact that Germany did not kill every Jew as a Jewish victory, then you can say that the Jews 'won' the Holocaust. But this would be wrong, the Jews have never defeated Germany, as they have never been in conflict.

Why did jews have the names Sarah and israel?

The Nazis forced them to add these names to their current names, so that they would be easier to identify.

Is Schulenburger German or Jewish?

It could be both - Jewish names and German names are often similar and it could be that your ancestors were both Jewish and German (Jews living in Germany).

How did adolf Hitler's persecution of Jews help help the nazi party secure power in Germany?

He blamed Jews for Germany's problems and encouraged Germans to join the Nazis in attacking Jews.

What name did the Nazis add to every male Jew's name in 1938?

In 1938 all male Jews in Germany had to add the name Israel to their given names, and all female Jews Sara.

What did the nazis hate jews?

Hitler believed that it was the fault of impure peoples, such as Jews and homosexuals, that Germany lost the war. He believed that the eradication of these impure people would make Germany, and the world, better.

When was Union of Progressive Jews in Germany created?

Union of Progressive Jews in Germany was created in 1997.

Where did the Jews go to extermination camps?

one of the most common camps that he Jews would be sent to was Auschwitz but there were many more in places in Germany.

In 1940 what change for Jewish people?

only nazi Germany trying to exterminate all Jews in the world. not much really

Why would Jewish immigrants from Germany or Russia want to go to the US?

There was no persecution of Jews in the US