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Macbeth feels threatened by Banquo's descendants potentially taking the throne from him, as foretold by the witches. This motivates Macbeth to eliminate Banquo and his lineage to secure his own power and rule. Additionally, Macbeth is consumed by ambition and paranoia, driving him to commit acts of violence to maintain control.

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Q: Why would Macbeth be motivated to murder banqou?
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What did the witches tell banqou?

The witches told Banquo that he would not be king himself, but his descendants would inherit the throne. They also warned him to be wary of Macbeth.

How does lady Macbeth affect Macbeth's action?

Lady Macbeth effects Macbeth's actions by pushing him towards the murder. Initially, Macbeth was unsure of what he wanted to do. He stated that if he was meant to become king, it would happen naturally. Lady Macbeth caused him to change his mind and planned the murder of King Duncan.

Is Macbeth really mourning for Duncan?

Macbeth pretends to mourn for Duncan's death to maintain his facade of innocence and loyalty. In reality, Macbeth is motivated by his ambition and desire for power, making his grief insincere.

How did lady Macbeth help to murder the king?

Lady Macbeth helped murder King Duncan by encouraging and manipulating her husband, Macbeth, to carry out the murder. She devised the plan, provided the logistics, and urged Macbeth to complete the deed. She also drugged the guards to ensure they would be unconscious during the deed.

Did Macbeth have an accomplice when he murdered Duncan?

Yes, Lady Macbeth was Macbeth's accomplice in the murder of King Duncan. She encouraged and manipulated Macbeth to carry out the murder of Duncan to fulfill the prophecy that he would become king.

Macbeth thinks he can murder the king under what three conditions?

He doent want to murder the king but he said if it were to be done it would be done quickly. Lady Macbeth tells him if he keeps a straight face they will get away with it.

Why must the murder take place away from the palace In Macbeth?

There's a party going on at the palace. People would notice a murder.

Why did Macbeth have his old battle companion killed?

The witches had predicted that Banquo's descendants would become kings whereas Macbeth's would not. Macbeth resented that. Also, Banquo was aware of what the witches had said and might suspect Macbeth of Duncan's murder. Macbeth says, "My fears in Banquo stick deep."

Why wold macduf have a particular reason to kill Macbeth?

Macbeth ordered the bloody murder of Macduff's wife and children. That would be grounds for revenge in any action movie.

Who would you say is the more forceful character Macbeth or lady Macbeth?

Lady Macbeth is the more forceful, probably because she is less foresighted. Macbeth knows the likely consequences of his acts, but she does not. She cannot imagine the downside to the murder; all she sees is herself as the chatelaine, hosting dinner parties. This lack of foresight gives her the strength to use everything she's got to persuade Macbeth to the murder.

What is Lady Macbeth's role in Macbeth's decision to murder the king?

she talked him into killing the King by accusing Macbeth of being weak and cowardly

What did Macbeth do after the murder of Duncan that was not according to plan?

After the murder of King Duncan it was planned that Macbeth would place the bloody daggers next to the drugged soldiers that were supposed to be keeping watch over King Duncan. This was to be done in order to make the people of Scotland believe that the soldiers had executed the murder.