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There's a party going on at the palace. People would notice a murder.

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Q: Why must the murder take place away from the palace In Macbeth?
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Where do the murderers accost Banquo and Fleance?

In the Shakespearean play, Macbeth [d. August 15, 1057] interviewed two murderers about the killing of Banquo and Fleance. He wanted the murder done away from his palace at Forres. The two murderers met up with a third that Macbeth apparently had hired separately. The three waited in the park near the palace at Forres. In that park, they succeeded in killing Banquo. But Banquo's son Fleance managed to escape.

What happens the king servants who are blamed for duncans murder?

The king's servants who are blamed for King Duncan's murder are killed by Macbeth as part of his plan to frame them for the crime. Macbeth does this to shift suspicion away from himself and Lady Macbeth, who are the true perpetrators of the murder.

Macbeth thinks he can murder the king under what three conditions?

He doent want to murder the king but he said if it were to be done it would be done quickly. Lady Macbeth tells him if he keeps a straight face they will get away with it.

What arguments does lady maceth use to convince Macbeth to comt the murder?

Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to commit the murder by questioning his masculinity and courage, telling him that he is not a true man if he does not follow through with the plan. She also assures him that they will not fail and promises to take care of all the details of the murder. Additionally, she plays on his ambition and desire for power, suggesting that by committing the murder, they will be able to fulfill their ambitions and secure their future.

How did Macbeth and lady Macbeth get away with killing duncan?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth framed King Duncan's guards for the murder, creating the impression that they were the ones responsible. They used this deception to cast suspicion away from themselves and manipulate others to believe their narrative. Additionally, Macbeth's quick action to kill the guards also to show loyalty and prevent further investigation.

What did the grooms do when they woke to find Macbeth had murdered the king?

The grooms were framed for King Duncan's murder by Macbeth. They were falsely accused to divert suspicion away from Macbeth and secure his place as the new king. Macbeth claimed he killed them in a fit of rage as punishment for murdering the king.

Recall whom do Macbeth frame for duncan murder?

Macbeth frames King Duncan's chamberlains for his murder by planting the bloody daggers on them while they are asleep. He does this to deflect suspicion away from himself and his wife, Lady Macbeth, who orchestrated the murder.

What does Macbeth refuse to do after duncans murder?

He carries the daggers he has used away from Duncan's room. His wife wants him to return and plant them on the grooms, but Macbeth refuses.

Why did Macbeth kill the chamberlins?

Macbeth killed the chamberlains because he wanted to frame them for the murder of King Duncan. By placing the bloody daggers on them, Macbeth hoped to divert suspicion away from himself and Lady Macbeth.

What mistake does Lady Macbeth order her husband to correct?

Lady Macbeth orders her husband to go back and smear the sleeping guards with Duncan's blood to frame them for the murder, to divert suspicion away from them.

Why did Lady Macbeth want to be unsexed?

lady Macbeth prays to be unsexed because she thinks her femininity makes her weak she is too kind and gentle she needs her kindness to be taken away so she can plan the murder and make Macbeth kill king duncan

Who frames the guards for Duncan's murder?

Macbeth frames the guards for Duncan's murder by placing the bloody daggers in their hands while they were asleep, so that it would appear as if they were the ones who committed the crime. This was part of his plan to shift the blame away from himself and solidify his claim to the throne.