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They frame the kings guards outside his bedroom that night by leaving the bloodied dagger and blood on their drunken bodies.

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Macbeth frames King Duncan's chamberlains for his murder by planting the bloody daggers on them while they are asleep. He does this to deflect suspicion away from himself and his wife, Lady Macbeth, who orchestrated the murder.

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Q: Recall whom do Macbeth frame for duncan murder?
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How do Macbeth and lady Macbeth plan to murder the kind?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plan to murder King Duncan by inviting him to their castle as guests, then waiting until he is asleep to kill him. They plan to frame the chamberlains for the murder by planting the murder weapons on them.

Who takes the bloody dagger back to duncan's room?

Lady Macbeth takes the bloody dagger back to Duncan's room in order to frame the King's guards for his murder.

Who died in act 2 of Macbeth?

In Act 2 of Macbeth, King Duncan is murdered by Macbeth in his sleep. Lady Macbeth also kills the two sleeping guards to frame them for the murder.

What did Macbeth do after the murder of Duncan that was not according to plan?

After the murder of King Duncan it was planned that Macbeth would place the bloody daggers next to the drugged soldiers that were supposed to be keeping watch over King Duncan. This was to be done in order to make the people of Scotland believe that the soldiers had executed the murder.

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The king's servants who are blamed for King Duncan's murder are killed by Macbeth as part of his plan to frame them for the crime. Macbeth does this to shift suspicion away from himself and Lady Macbeth, who are the true perpetrators of the murder.

Whom does Lady Macbeth drug and why?

Lady Macbeth drugs the guards stationed outside King Duncan's chamber to ensure they are unconscious and unable to interfere with her plan to frame them for Duncan's murder. This allows Macbeth to easily access Duncan's chamber and carry out the assassination.

In Macbeth Act 2 Who was sleeping in the second chamber?

In Act 2 of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth plants the daggers on one of the king's guards to frame them for the murder of King Duncan. It is this guard who is sleeping in the second chamber.

Why did Macbeth claim he killed king Duncan's guards apex?

Macbeth claimed to have killed King Duncan's guards because he wanted to frame them for the murder of Duncan, thus diverting suspicion away from himself. This was part of his plan to become king and consolidate power.

Why did Lady Macbeth enter the King room?

Lady Macbeth enters the King's room to plant the daggers on the guards after she has drugged them. This is part of the plan she and Macbeth devised to frame the guards for the murder of King Duncan.

What does Macbeth forget to do?

Macbeth forgets to smear blood on the guards to frame them for King Duncan's murder, as he had originally planned.

Who is blamed for bribing the grooms to kill Duncan?

Lady Macbeth is blamed for bribing the grooms to kill Duncan in William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." She drugs their drinks to frame them for the murder.

Why did Macbeth kill the chamberlins?

Macbeth killed the chamberlains because he wanted to frame them for the murder of King Duncan. By placing the bloody daggers on them, Macbeth hoped to divert suspicion away from himself and Lady Macbeth.