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because he is secretly gay

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Q: Why would Tom lie to Myrtle about Daisy being Catholic and that preventing there divorce?
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Why has Tom not left Daisy marry Myrtle Wilson?

According to Catherine Tom has not left Daisy for Myrtle because Daisy she says that Daisy is a catholic who doesn't believe in divorce. However, Nick knows that his cousin Daisy is not a catholic.

Why does tom say he can't marry myrtle?

Tom says he can't marry Myrtle because he is already married to Daisy. Despite his affair with Myrtle, he intends to maintain appearances and social status by remaining with his wife.

What phony excuse did catherine give for tom and daisy not divorcing in the great gatsby?

Catherine claimed that Tom and Daisy couldn't get a divorce because Daisy was Catholic and didn't believe in it. This was her attempt to cover up the deception in their relationship and maintain appearances.

Who does daisy hit with a car in The Great Gatsby?

Daisy hits Myrtle Wilson with a car in The Great Gatsby. Daisy is driving Gatsby's car when the accident occurs.

In The Great Gatsby what happens to myrtle in chapter 7?

In Chapter 7 of "The Great Gatsby," Myrtle is killed in a hit-and-run accident by Daisy Buchanan, driving Gatsby's car. Daisy was driving recklessly while trying to escape a confrontation with Tom Buchanan. Myrtle runs onto the road, and Daisy accidentally hits her without stopping.

What is Tom's Relationship with Myrtle?

tom is a slease. he is cheating on Daisy with Myrtle but abuses Myrtle for talking bad about Daisy. Myrtle is nothing to tom but his personal mistress. shed do anything he asks and anything for him.

Who actually killed Myrtle?

Myrtle was accidentally killed by Gatsby's car, when Daisy was behind the wheel but Gatsby was driving. Daisy was under the influence of her emotions and did not stop after hitting Myrtle.

Who Witness Myrtle's accident in The Great Gatsby?

Myrtle Wilson's accident is witnessed by Nick Carraway, Tom Buchanan, and Daisy Buchanan. Tom is driving the car that hits Myrtle, but Daisy is the one who is behind the wheel at the time of the accident.

Why tom hasn't left Daisy for Myrtle?

Tom hasn't left Daisy for Myrtle because he sees Daisy as a status symbol and part of his elite social circle. He also values the stability and comfort of his marriage to Daisy, despite his extramarital affair with Myrtle. Additionally, Tom may fear the scandal and consequences of leaving Daisy for another woman.

How does Catherine rationalize myrtle's affair with tom?

Catherine rationalizes Myrtle's affair with Tom by believing that Myrtle is seeking happiness and a better life. She sees Tom as a way for Myrtle to escape her current situation and elevate her social status. Catherine is blinded by the materialistic allure of Tom's wealth and power, leading her to justify the affair as a means to a perceived better future for Myrtle.

Why does Tom break myrtle's nose?

Tom breaks Myrtle's nose because she taunts him about Daisy, his wife, and ridicules him for not leaving Daisy. Tom's anger and frustration about his situation with Daisy boil over, leading him to lash out physically against Myrtle in a display of dominance.

What is the difference between Daisy and Myrtle in the Great Gatsby?

Daisy Buchanan is married to Tom Buchanan and comes from a wealthy background, while Myrtle Wilson is married to George Wilson and comes from a lower social class. Daisy is portrayed as ethereal and carefree, while Myrtle is more assertive and materialistic. Both women are involved in affairs with Tom Buchanan, but their motivations and actions differ.