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Q: Why would Zeus have affairs with mortals?
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Related questions

Did Zeus only have a lady other than Hera?

No; Zeus had many affairs with mortals, nymphs, and goddesses.

Was Zeus cute?

Cute enough to have had many affairs with both mortals and immortals.

Who was the greek god Zeus sons and daughters?

Zeus had a lot of affairs, mortals, goddesses, nymphs, etc. Therefore, Zeus has countless sons and daughters.

Were all of Zeus' wives gods?

He only had one wife Hera but he had many affairs with mortals

Was Hera really Zeus' only wife?

Hera was really Zeus's only wife. However, he did have many affairs with mortals, nymphs, ect.

What was heras personality?

heras personality, was unsually in rage at Zeus because of his arious affairs, seduction and raping of innocent women. Even though the women were usually innocent, hera liked to believe it was Zeus who was the innocent one and the women would lead him on!

How many children did Zeus have in all?

Recorded Zeus had 32 not including mortals we dont know how many with mortals because mortals wernt as important as goddesses.

What are the names of wives and children of Zeus?

There are countless children and wives of Zeus. Zeus' main wife is Hera, although he has had many affairs with mortals behind her back. Some sons of Zeus include, Hermes, Dionysus, Appollo, Hercules, Artemis, Athena, and plenty more.

What are the names of the wives and children of Zeus?

There are countless children and wives of Zeus. Zeus' main wife is Hera, although he has had many affairs with mortals behind her back. Some sons of Zeus include, Hermes, Dionysus, Appollo, Hercules, Artemis, Athena, and plenty more.

What does Zeus like to do?

Kill mortals

What are some Greek gods in disguise?

Many Greek gods go into disguise when interacting with mortals. Zeus often had love affairs with mortal women and often disguised himself. When the Greek gods wished to test mortals, they would disguise themselves as well, for example in the myth of Baucis and Philemon. Sometimes the gods disguised themselves as mortals, and sometimes as beasts.

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