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It is probably meant to be sold in a place where French is the predominant market language.

This is why a lot of made in China merchandise has the words "Made in China" on it. It is meant to be sold in a place where English is the predominant market language.

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Q: Why would a Korean-made teddy have French writing on the tag?
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10.000.000 is the way of writing ten millions in French. Commas are replaced by dots.

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Teddy Roosevelt was the best president that Washington ever had

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ours en peluche is French for teddy bear.Chein en peluche would be like a stuffed toy dog.

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Is Teddy a cute name for a dog?

It depends on your opinion or how your dog looks...If its a kind and brown dog, teddy would be a good name.(or teddy bear)

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Since the @ symbol is not actually a word, but a symbol used to denote a word, there is no French translation of it. The French word for "at" is "a" but in French, if one is writing an e-mail address, @ would still be used.

Who and how was the teddy bear invented?

The orignol idea came from teddy Roosevelt and the idea was that you would have the president to look after a child

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Are teddy bears cuddly?

If you think animals and stuffed toys are cute, then I would say they are. There are so many types of teddy bears.

If one were to use Oroscope 2009 what language would one be speaking?

If one were to use Oroscope 2009, one would be speaking either french or Italian. In french the H is not used when writing Horoscope, or when an Italian person omits the H in Horoscope.