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This would happen only for someone who was born in a leap year, on 29th February.

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Q: Why would a birthday only come every 4 years?
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Whose birthday doesn't come every year?

For those who are born in a leap year on the 29th of February, their birthday can occur on the 29th of February only every 4 years. However, it is not true to say that they don't have a birthday every year. They celebrate it on either the 28th of February or the 1st of March in non-leap years.

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Leap years come every 4 years

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How can selena gomez come to your birthday for sure?

you could book her then she would have to come.

Does 30 feb come once every 400 years?

I heard that it comes every 400 years.

Do leap years affect the birthdays of people not born on leap years?

No if you were not born on the leap day of the lep year then your birthday is not at all affected by theleap year because the leap year is making up for lost time in the regular year which is caused becasue the average year is not exactly 365 days it is slghtly more. So, on a leap year the extra time from other years are added up to equal one more full day over the corse of 4 years.