

Why would a cars engine be knocking?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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They're probably either too hot, or incorrectly timed.

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Q: Why would a cars engine be knocking?
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Why would a 95 Chevy cavalier with a 2.4 engine make a knocking sound?

Engine rod? Engine bearing?

What would cause a knocking sound when not stepping on the gas?

can you elaborate? engine noise? stationary/moving? ticking, tapping or a definite knocking?

3.1 motor has loud knocking?

if it sounds like the knocking is coming from the bottom of the engine i would bet it was the rods or rod bearings may be worn. if the knocking is on the top ,then i would have the lifters and or the rocker arms checked.

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engine knocking hard,and shaking a bit

Is loud knocking coming from top of engine a lifter problem or head gasket problem?

If its a legitimate knocking then you would want to go with head gasket if its a tapping you would be looking at a valve

Why would the engine of a 1997 Chevy Cavalier make a loud knocking noise even after being told that there is nothing wrong with it?

it's probably a rod knocking

What is the detonation and knocking in cars?

When an engine runs as it should the fuel/air mix in the combustion chamber ignites at the spark plug and the flame front spreads from there. In an engine that's knocking there are hotspots in the combustion chamber causing the fuel/air mixture to ignite prematurely a bit all over the place.

There is a knocking noise in the motor of my 1992 town and country. Could this be the transmission going?

NO. A knocking noise in the engine is a problem in the engine.

What would cause a loud knocking noise in engine upon starting?

Running too lean.

What would cause a continuous knocking or clicking in the lower part of the engine?

A bad rod bearing

What causes a 3.1 Chevy lumina motor to knock?

if you dont have any oil in the cars motor that would be a reasin why its knocking