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It could be feather-plucking, which is a bird's way of dealing with stress. It could have mites. It might be a good idea to get your chicken in to an avian veterinarian's office for a check up - probably about $50-75 US. Commercially farmers have been known to de-beak chickens to prevent the feather-plucking that is associated with living in crowded conditions.

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Q: Why would a chicken have no feathers on its neck when it wasn't molting?
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I'm sure it is not exploding, especially all the time. It would only take one explosion, and the chicken would be dead. However, the chicken could be molting. When a chicken molts, it loses many of its feathers in a short period of time. The chicken might look a little rough for a while, until the new feathers grow in. The feathers that dropped all over the coop may look like an explosion took place.

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Not really. It would blow the chicken away first.

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China, it would be hard to sterilize feathers yourself or you could get them at a chicken farmers ranch. Michael

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if i wasnt trying to find the answer mabye i would tell you

What is wrong if a chickens comb and face are pale usually red is hunched up but still eats?

There are several reasons this may happen. Your chicken may be molting, molting is the time when a chicken renews its feathers and they can look unhealthy for about 6 weeks. Put a vitamin tonic in the water you supply for the birds. If you have recently changed the food you supply your birds then the pale comb & wattle would be the first signs of poor nutrition. Heat can also do this, birds often lose the bright red color when they are heat stressed.

How many feathers does a baby chicken have?

The number of feathers on a rooster depends on the breed of chicken he comes from. Some are as big as your dog, some are small enough to sit in your palm! Some have less feathers for warmer climates. For example, a Rhode Island Red would have more feathers than a Silkie.

What is the stage called when penguins shed their fur?

This period is called molting. The animals must remain out of the water, because their downy baby feathers are too absorbent: the animals would drown.Once most of the baby down feathers have fallen out, then the animal can enter the water.