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A Child Might Do This Because The Teachers And/Or Preists In The School If The School Is Catholic And The Teachers Are Saying Religion Is Good And Then The Child Thinks To Be Good/ Go To Heaven The Must Become A Monk.

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Q: Why would a child want to become a Catholic monk?
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How old could people become monks?

In order to become a Roman Catholic monk you need to be between the age of 20 and 40. You will need to be a Roman Catholic man to become a Catholic Monk.

What is gender monk?

it usually dependents on what religion you are talking about if it is catholic only a man can become a monk.

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Erasmus did not become a priest. He became a monk. There is a great difference. An 11 year old child could become a monk if a relative took his vows for him. Erasmus did not become a priest. He became a monk. There is a great difference. An 11 year old child could become a monk if a relative took his vows for him.

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A lay Catholic is any member of the Roman Catholic Church who has not been ordained (created a priest) or entered into religious life (become a monk or nun).

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A member of the Catholic church.

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Luther was a Catholic monk .

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Roman Catholic answerNo St. Francis of Assisi was a friar, not a monk.

What is a Roman Catholic monk called?

Roman Catholic AnswerIt depends on whether they are ordained or not. A monk is typically called Brother. If is he ordained to the priesthood, before Vatican II this was referred to as a "choir monk" they are referred to as Father, or in Britain, Dom.

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Roman Catholic AnswerPriests and monks are entirely different vocations, although some monks are called to be priests, one becomes a monk because one has a vocation to the monastic lifestyle NOT because they want to become a priest. So to answer your question, no, a priest does not have to be a monk first, or ever.

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Martin Luther was a Catholic monk who sought to reform the Catholic Church.

What is a male nun called?

There is no such thing as a male nun. The male equivalent of a nun would be a monk. However, a monk may be ordained into the priesthood while a nun cannot be ordained. The male equivalent of a sister would be a brother, a member of a religious congregation for men who are not ordained.

Did Siddhartha become a monk?

Yes. he became a monk after he left his palace.