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Children often sleep with their parents because they are scared of the dark, monsters under the bed, monsters in the closet, they saw a bug in their room, or just because they're lonely. The average child stops this around age 6, but if it continues, don't worry. They will eventually grow out of it. But if you get worried, take them to mental therapy.

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scared;scared of dark

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Q: Name a reason a child might want to sleep with their parents?
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Name a reason why a child might want to sleep with his parents?

They are most likely scared to sleep on there own.They might just be really attached or their parents. Also, they want that safety of knowing they are protected by their parents.

Give you 2 reason why a child might sleep with their parents?

they have a separation problem or there scarred cats or there real Young

What is a reason a child might want to sleep with their parents?

Love, security, warmth, food, convenience, sleep, comfort, and safety are some examples.They could be scared of the dark or nightmares.

What is the main reason a child might want to sleep with their parents?

Love, security, warmth, food, convenience, sleep, comfort, and safety are some examples.They could be scared of the dark or nightmares.

Name a reson a child might want to sleep with his parents?


Name why a child might want to sleep with their parents?

For comfort and security.

Name a reason why a child want to sleep with their parents?

Didn't you ever want to sleep with your parents? Didn't you feel better in their room? ASK YOURSELF.

Name a reason why a children might want to sleep with their parents?

they can be scared to be alone

Name a reason why a child might want to sleep with their parent?

A child might want to sleep with their parents because they are scared of the dark or just feel more safe with them OR bad dreams/nightmare :) ~Hope I Helped... x ;D <33

Name something a child might sleep with?

teddy bear, blanket, pillow, parents, doll, night light, pacifier

Why might a kid want to sleep with his parents?

because he is scared

Why do babies suck their thumbs?

same reason a child sucks a pacifier they just kinda do it might be to go to sleep or comping method just depends