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Q: Why would a foreign country strive to get most favored nation status?
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Which of these occurs when one country grants another country most favored nation status?

It promises to give the nation the highest level of trade leniency

When the United States places the lowest possible tariff on imported goods from a particular country, it bestows on that country:?

most-favored-nation status

Which occurs when one country grants another country most favored nation status?

Promote strong and more stable ties between countries

Most favored nation status tends to grant the recipient which of these?

Most favored nation status tends to grant the recipient with the same trade concessions.

Who granted China with most-favored-nation?

William Jefferson Clinton.

What does most favored nation treatment mean?

In international economic relations and international politics, "most favored nation" (MFN) is a status or level of treatment accorded by one state to another in international trade. Countries achieving most favored nation status are given specific trade advantages such as reduced tariffs on imported goods.If one country is given better trade terms by another, then all other states must get the same terms.

Did President George W. Bush support most favored nation status for China?

Probably not!

What status allows countries to export goods to the US under favorable terms?

Most favored nation

Who was president when china first got most favored trading status?

It would depend on which country you are referring to that conferred such a status on China

What are Normal Trade Relations?

The designation of a country with which beneficial trade status (lower tariffs, limited restrictions) has been declared. The status Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) was created in 1998 to replace the former title of Most Favored nation (MFN).

What is the most favored nation trade status?

an agreement to offer a trading partner the lowest tariff rate offered to other trading partners.

Which country received permanent most favored trade status under the Clinton administration?

Peoples republic of china