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You shouldn't "hook-up" with a guy unless you're married there's too much to go wrong.

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Q: Why would a guy's friends tease him about hooking up with you even though it's been a month after the fact and he avoids you?
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Just be comfortable. Be yourself! Don't be mean to a person who greets you even though you don't really like them. Although it is hard at first, you will make many friends in less than a month.

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Well, this depends upon which month you are dealing with. But, if there are four weeks in a month, she will go to her friends house 8 times a month. Hope I helped !

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What does it mean when a guy just wants to hold ur hand after hooking up and then month later he can barely look at you and you can barely look at him with out smiling shyly and it just feels awkward?

He likes you then.

My situation started about a month ago I asked this girl i like out on a date She told me we were better off as friends From then on we've just stayed friends we talk and its not awkward I though?

Maybe you should rephrase that. Or check your spelling. Also, man up, I can practically see your ovaries.

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We do. its not a month though. its every 29.5 days

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Tell them you are sorry and want to be friends again. If you don't think the fight was your fault though tell them that they had been mean to you or something.

What you can do in 1 month holidays?

sleep and get some friends and have a bash

What do you do if a boy knows you like him and avoids you and deosn't talk to you as much?

Ok I am a boy and stay where u are right now for a while and let it pass I'd say it would take a month or so

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a month

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It is partially dependent on how many friends you have. With 6 friends, the chance is over 77% that two of them will have a birthday in the same month. If you search "birthday problem" you will find many very detailed descriptions of how the formula works.