

Why would a guy not want a girlfriend at the moment?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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That's his way of saying, "I'm not interested at the moment." Hang out more with him and try to get him more comfortable before asking again. ______________ There are as many possible reasons as imagination will allow. This may be his very appropriate way of letting you know that he is not interested in being with youas boyfriend/girlfriend. He may already be in a relationship that he chooses not to talk about. If you're friends with him, just be friends and don't ask about it. Pushing is the last thing you want to do.

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Q: Why would a guy not want a girlfriend at the moment?
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Ouch, you are being taken advantage of! Get out of this relationship, he will not leave his girlfriend and you will always play second fiddle. Plus, do you really want a guy who cheats? If he cheats on his girlfriend with you, you can be sure he will cheat on you if you become the new girlfriend. This relationship is not going to last, if you are just having fun with a good looking guy, think of the girlfriend who has no idea and how it would hurt if she found out. What if you were her? GET OUT OF THAT RELATIONSHIP!!!!!!!HE IS USING YOU!!!!!DONT MESS WITH A GUY WHOHAS A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!

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Just be yourself. If he doesn't want a girlfriend at the moment, then just wait a bit. If he really does like you he'll ask you out eventually. But right now, just play it cool and be yourself. :]

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You try to lose feelings for this guy. It wouldnt be right for you to have feelings for a guy thats dating a good friend of yours. Put your self in that situation. What would you want your good friend to do if she liked your "boyfriend" ?

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You're in a situation I don't envy. The guy you like has a girlfriend, but you want him for yourself. This could possibly put you in a position where you would look like the "bad guy" and you must determine whether this is something you really want for yourself. Do you want to be perceived as "the other woman"? Do you want to be the one responsible for a breakup? Do you really love the guy? If you truly love him, you won't want his unhappiness at all. And losing his current girlfriend because of you may actually make him unhappy.

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maybe they want to dump the other girl??? maybe they like you??? they could be joking... but i doubt they would be.