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Horses' teeth continue to grow out of the jaws throughtout their life until somewhere around 30 years of age. Because they continue to grow and are worn at different rates due to things like diet content and conformation of the jaws, they can be worn to sharp points which lead to pain when chewing and lack of ability to effectively grind forage and concentrate feeds. Floating is done to grind these points and sharp edges off and provide a better grinding surface to the teeth.

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Q: Why would a horse's teeth need to be floated?
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Horses teeth dental health?

horses need their teeth looked after. By a vet! Sometimes they need them floated. They file them down, and numb it up.

Horses teeth need a regular process called what?

Horse's teeth need to be floated regularly to maintain good oral and overall health.

How many times should you get horses teeth checked?

It varys Some horse only need there teeth seen once in their life time, others, may need it once a year and the "horse dentist" will just rasp the teeth so np sharp points will cause eating problems or pain in their mouth.

What medical needs does a horse need?

Horses need their hooves trimmed, teeth floated, vaccine shots, monthly wormer, and proper grooming and exercise. If that is what you are asking.

Do older horses need to be vaccinated?

They do. They need to stay on the same vaccination program as younger horses. They also need to be wormed just as often and their teeth need to be checked and 'floated' to make sure the older horse can eat without pain.

Why do domestic horses need their teeth floated when wild horses get by perfectly fine without it?

Horses living in the wild have their own ways to get what they need. Such as they have been observed eating a certain type of clay which rids them of internal parasites. Domestic horses eat differently then their wild cousins. Their teeth aren't worn off like wild horses so they need the help of a vet.

How do you take care of horses teeth?

And by regularly, they mean have your vet come out every year to check on your horses teeth and they will tell you if they need to be done or not. Feed your horse the appropriate feeds (nothing that's too rich or otherwise bad for the horse's teeth and digestive system), and get his teeth floated (smoothed down) regularly by a veterinarian.

Why is a equine dental called a float?

Horses' teeth grow non stop and sometimes the teeth will poke the gums and cause pain. You will need to get them "floated" which means they need to be filed down.

Why do horses only have molars and incisors?

Horses do not eat meat, so they do not need tearing teeth. they only need nipping teeth and chewing teeth.

How often should you have your horses teeth floated?

You should ask your vet, but I know that I have a 6 year old mare and the vet said at her last check-up that it was coming time to float her teeth, so I'd say around 6 years. However, she has been grazing 24/7 her whole life, so if your horse is kept in a stall eating only a few meals a day then her teeth probably need to be floated sooner because she hasn't been wearing her teeth down the way horses were meant to.

How do you keep a horse's teeth healthy?

Wild horses wear their teeth down the same way normal horses do... by eating! Just like captive horses, when they eat grass (or hay for normal horses) they chew the food by grinding their teeth. This grinding causes their teeth to wear down.

What resources are used to take care of horses?

horses need regular farrier visits, vet visits, and to get their teeth floated. You will also need a halter, lead rope, hoof pick, a curry comb, a soft brush, a hard brush, plenty of land, horse food and basic first aid care