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because the heat improves the circulation and flexibility of the affected area.

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Q: Why would a hot water bottle help around painful arthritis joints?
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What is a disease characterized by inflamed joints?

You have rheumatoid arthritis, which involve the small joints.

What is the most painful arthritis?

All forms of arthritis in the joints in particular can be painful, the amount of pain involved depends on the damage that the disease is causing to the the body. However it seems that the the most painful form of arthritis is the disease referred to as gouty arthritis which is the result of the formation of uric acid crystals usually in the peripheral joints of the body.

Why is arthritis painful?

arthritis is a medical condition affecting a joint or joints, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness

What does it mean to have Swollen joints in little fingers only?

Swollen joints in your hands can indicate you may have arthritis. The other symptoms of arthritis are joints that are stiff, inflamed, and painful. The joints affected can be in your hands, feet, and wrists.

What condition causes stiff painful joints with knobby deformed knuckles?

Rhyeumatoid Arthritis

How rainy days affect arthritis?

Rainy days can affect arthritis by causing joints to ache or even swell. Changes in temperature and air pressure often cause painful swelling in joints affected by arthritis.

Signs and symptoms of arthritis?

There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis, however the thing that most of them have in common is that they are the cause of painful stiff and possibly swollen sometimes hot joints. If you suspect that you may have a problem with your joints the sooner you do something about treating the condition you have the less damage may be done to the joint or joints in question.

What is a painful degeneration of movable joints caused by attacks on the joint cells of the immune system?

That is the description of rheumatoid arthritis.

What is the difference between arthritis and arthralgia?

Arthralgia refers to joint pain, whereas arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints. Swollen joints can be painful, stiff, and difficult to move. Arthralgia can be a symptom of arthritis or can be the result of an injury, disease, or infection. Children can also experience arthralgia as they grow.

How does arthritis affect dogs?

It makes movement painful by stiffening the joints and reducing range of motion. Often dogs with arthritis are less active and spend more time laying around or sleeping because it hurts too much to be out playing and running.

Where is arthritis found?

The root prefix "arthro" gives it away. "Arthro" means having to do with the joints in the body. Arthritis is found in and around joints in the body, including joints in your spine between vertebrae.

What joints are effected by Arthritis?

Any of the body's joints can be affected by arthritis.