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Q: Why would a kitten always want to catch his mother's tail?
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At what week does a kitten switch from the mothers milk to the kitten food?

that depends on 3 things; 1. is the mother cat willing to let the kitten drink her milk? (if she has any) 2. do they have food and water available to them at all times? 3. are they lazy? if you answered yes to 1 of these questions then it could be anytime they feel like it. my cats are outdoor and always pregnant, i have a 3 year old cat still drinking his mothers milk. but normally it would be at about 1 month old.

Do kittens make good mothers?

No. They are still learning themselves and would not take on that responsibility. They could however, teach younger kittens how to do things as the younger kitten would watch the older kitten(just as younger siblings look up to their elder siblings.

Who would win in a fight between a kitten and a Smurf?

My money is on the kitten. The Kitten would eat the smurf, so the kitten wins.

Where would you get kitten or puppy milk?

A kitten, or a puppy.

How would you use kitten in a sentence?

My kitten is drinking milk :)

How do you eat a kitten?

Why would you eat a kitten any way? Are you a nutso person kittens are cute and cuddley and that would be evil to eat a kitten.

What do you call a young cat struck by love?

A smitten kitten.

Have you seen my kitten?

How would we know? I hope you find your kitten soon.

What is 'kitten' in Arabic?

In Arabic, kitten would be pronounced as bici (be-see).

What is knitwear for a baby cat paw hinky pinky?

Kitten mitten

How safe are feral kitten traps?

It's safe. vets use them to catch cats to neuter/spay them and then let them go, they wouldn't use a trap that would hurt an animal

Would a gray wolf cross in captivity kill a kitten?

yes a grey wolf would be able to kill a kitten