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The gist of this famous variety-show trick is that when the entire surface of the body is distributed evenly over closely-spaced nails, no puncture occurs, whereas it would occur easily if the whole weight of the body came down on one nail.

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Q: Why would a man lay on a bed of nails and not on one nail only?
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How can you grow your nail if nail bed is damaged?

You can grow your nail even if the nail bed is damaged by following these simple steps: -constantly clean your nails -keep your nails short until the nail bed heals -get a nail and cuticle lotion to revitalize you nails. You can pick this up at almost any drug store

Why does stepping on a nail hurt more than lying on a bed of nails?

It's all about pressures. If you step on ONE nail, then that nail has to carry ALL your weight, so it goes into your skin. If you lay on a bed of nails then every nail only has to carry a fraction of your weight, which your skin can take.

How do you cut nails without damaged nail bed?

file them

What is the purpose of nail removal?

Nails are removed only when necessary to allow the skin beneath the nail (the nail bed) to heal or in some cases, to remove a nail that has been partially pulled out in an accident.

Are human nails living or nonliving?

The nail itself is non living, the nail bed (where the nail grows from) is living.

Explain the difference between the nail plate and the nail bed?

The nail part refers to the the visible part of nails on fingers and toes while the nail bed refers to the skin beneath the nail plate.

What damage can a 100 100 nail file do to natural nails?

It can thin and damage the nail plate/bed

Why do nails normally appear pink?

Nails typically appear pink due to the blood vessels underneath the nail bed. The pink color comes from the rich blood supply in that area.

What is the Guiness World Record for the fewest nails in a bed of nails?

Although Harley Newman had performed a 4 nail - bed of nails for years I believe Guiness refused to acknowledge it. Slightly more recently Anna Kinison (of the Cut Throat Freak Show) performed a 4 nail bed and supported the weight of another woman on the Ripley's TV show that was on TBS.

What will a nail dehydrator do?

A nail dehydrator corrects the ph balance of the nail, so that it matches the ph of The acrylic - When doing Acrylic nails. It also cleans the nail bed and helps the acrylic stick to the nail.

Nail polish not stick to your nails?

The nail polish is not sticking to your nail or chips faster than you expected because there was something of an oil base on your nail bed, such as lotion, soap, or even sweat. For it to stick, wipe your nails with nail polish remover, buff it, then spray with alcohol before polishing.

Which is lesser pain standing in a bed of nails or lying in a bed of nails?

I would say that lying on a bed of nails would be less painful, as your weight would be more evenly distributed over a larger surface area.