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To start with, a slave is seen as a subject to whom ever is his master. But in these context it is the other way round in the sense that, the men are said to always be at the forefront of affairs as far as today's world is concern. Seeing men as financial slave is an inappropriate use of language, but rather they can be seen as the better help to the woman.If he is seen as a financial slave ,it presumes that he is been used by the women instead of out of his self volition to assist as the case may be.

Here is why I am a Financial Slave... It is because she deserves it and she expects it... I agree that it is voluntary. However, having given Her every extra cent I have and more and having done so because she expects it does not discount it as being real slavery. My lifestyle has changed. I now deny myself most everything except necessities and in the process "suffer" for Her and everything I own is now Hers. So if I am being used by her is what you call it then so be it!

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Q: Why would a man want to be a financial slave for a woman?
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