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A Rabbi typically has more knowledge on issues of kashrut and close cases than does a layman. It's part of a Rabbi's job to be well-versed in Jewish law (including kashrut) and answer related questions.

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Q: Why would a person ask a rabbi if they needed to know if something was kosher?
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What is the exact amount of salt that a Rabbi can bless in the making of Kosher salt?

Whether or not a food of any kind is kosher has nothing to do with being blessed by a Rabbi. By default, all salt is kosher unless something is added to it to render it not kosher, additives that are non-kosher are usually flavourings.

What do you call the person who enforces the kosher laws in a kitchen?

Some states have specific laws for restaurants that claim to be kosher and inspect those restaurants with the aid of a Rabbi conversant in Kashrut. Some states do not, but for a kitchen to be kosher it must comply with Kashrut, and sometimes certified by a Rabbi as such.

Can you drink cola and sprite on a Russian airline without a kosher symbol?

This is something you would have to discuss with your rabbi.

Who has the authority to declare that something is kosher?

There are many organizations who's job it is to certify that food is prepared in accordance to the rules of kashrut. This involves a person called a 'mashgiach' who is a religiously observant person (not necessarily a rabbi), who observes the preparation process.

Is coarse sea salt as potent as kosher salt?

I believe to be Kosher means foods, which apparently include spices, are blessed by a Rabbi, and have nothing to do with how coarse something is, However, the simple answer I believe is yes.

What is a sentence for rabbi?

The Rabbi visited the factory in order to ascertain its fitness for Kashrut (Kosher) certification.

Is lobster kosher food?

Lobster is not considered kosher. It is unable to be blessed by a Jewish rabbi. Only sea creatures with fins and scales can be kosher.

Is carmine kosher?

According to Rabbi Dr. David Sheinkopf, Gelatin IS kosher. Author of "Gelatin in Jewish Law" (Bloch 1982) and "Issues in "Jewish Dietary Laws" (Ktav 1998) Rabbi Sheinkopf provides an in depth analysis of how and why gelatin is kosher. Rabbi Sheinkopf also provides answers to the questions Is carmine kosher? (Yes) For more details visit his website:

Is crappie fish kosher?

Yes, crappie are kosher since they have fins and scales. You should consult a Rabbi to be sure.

What does a rabbi eat?

Only if they like beets. There is no particular custom, obligation or prohibition in the matter.

What makes a refrigerator Kosher?

You need to call your local Orthodox rabbi so he can come to your house to help you.

What does it mean when a synagoue is supposed to be kosher cleaned?

It means an Orthodox rabbi supervises the cleaning to make sure it's kosher.