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This seems to be a thing that cockatiels as a species like to do, since every cockatiel I've owned or met has had a thing for feet and shoes.

What you're seeing is courtship behavior. The bird (typically males do this) views the foot/shoe as a potential object of romantic interest and may whistle at it the same way he whistles at favorite toys or mirrors.

It's basically harmless, although you may want to make sure the bird doesn't start chewing on your shoes. I had to start tucking the laces inside my sneakers or the plastic tips would get chewed off.

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Q: Why would a pet cockatiel sing to feet or shoes?
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a day well what you need to do is get a sock and long pants on then after put your bird on your fooy and walk with it and after it should cimb your leg good sign it likes you!! But one thing is sure if you love your bird then get it a girlfriend or a boyfriend but your bird won't pay attention to you but your othe on will but uoy need to do the following above then im sure they will like you!! But be careful the first day put eachvone in a diffrent cage if not your new bied will get raped

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When do cockatiels mimick?

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