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More than likely your safety switch on the seat is not making connection. There is a plug under the seat. If you are lucky it just came unplugged. If it's not unplugged, you can bypass it to see if this is the problem. Just put a jumper wire from one side of the plug to the other. If it works then I recommend that you replace it. This is an important safety feature.

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Q: Why would a riding lawnmower stall when the deck is lowered?
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What is the past tense of lawnmower?

The word lawnmower is a noun, a word for a thing.Only verbs have a past tense. A verb is a word for an action or a state of being.Example sentences for the noun:The lawnmower would not start.I bought a new lawnmower.He borrowed his uncle's lawnmower.The riding lawnmower seemed like a blessing to my aging father.The verb form is to mow, a word for an action.The past tense is mowed.Example sentences for the verb to mow:You can use my lawnmower to mow your lawn.After you have mowed your lawn, you can return my lawnmower.

Where are the valves located on a 17.5 hp Briggs and straton riding lawnmower engine?

Is it an OHV engine? If so they would be loctaed above the piston head on your mower.

What is more effiecient a gas or electric lawnmower?

I think a electric lawnmower would be cheaper because current usage goes off the amount of amps and if you have a lawnmower that has a low voltage then it would cost you less.

Should you use a push lawn mower or a riding lawn mower?

A push lawn mower is easier to store if space is an issue. They are ideal for smaller yards and come in many varieties. A riding lawnmower would be ideal if you have a large yard and space to store the mower isn't an issue.

I would like some information on my sears craftsman riding lawnmower, it's a 20hp,indy 500, 44inch deck 6speed manual, i can't find any parts for it please help!?

Sears and Craftsman both provide service for their riding lawnmowers,For parts you can go to on the internet

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i would replace the camshaft positioning sensor.obviously your mechanic has no clue

Why wont your riding lawnmower move?

Previous years it has been the drive train belt that would break and then the mower would start but not move. Now my son says it is the hydro state that is the problem and it is too expensive to fix. Has anyone else had this problem?

Can you put car oil in a gas lawnmower?

to put the oil in the lawnmower's crankcase would be fine, so long as it is an appropriate viscosity.

What is the largest wattage bulb you can put in a lawn mower?

I'm fairly sure you cannot put a light bulb in a lawnmower. You could lay it on the deck somewhere but it would never light up but your question was in a lawnmower not on a lawnmower,... on so the answer would be that this is not a valid question.

Why do you need a lawn mower?

You don't need a lawnmower. There is no law that requires you to need a lawnmower, but, if you have a lawn and want to keep it tidy you would be advised to use a lawnmower as a scythe requires much skill and a lot of energy.

Why would your lawnmower oil appear white?

It has moisture (water) in it.

Are horses a lot of work?

yes, but they are worth it. you have to: feed water groom clean the stall work (ride) groom again feed hay etc.... I would check at a local barn if you are interested in starting riding. :)