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The writer was showing us all the things that as a cilvian alot of us that were not there would not realize unless some that was there explained, thus he did in drawing a mental picture of all the things of home were the heaviest things they carried it was not the physical things that way as heavy as the mental things they carried, and some of them carried alot, but a picture of the ones they loved and may be lost these are the things that weighed on them the most, and because of this weight it cost many lives and is still taking lives today,,all because of the way those back home look in shame as though serving their country was a bad thing, as he even showed in some of his own friends lost their life after coming back from the war, well written book.MOTHAFUKAR!!!!!

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1mo ago

A story might be written in third person perspective to provide an objective view of the events and characters, offering a broader scope of the story. This perspective allows the author to delve into multiple characters' thoughts and feelings, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the narrative. Additionally, third person perspective can create a sense of distance between the reader and the characters, allowing for more diverse storytelling techniques.

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9y ago

Third person POV allows the reader to learn the thoughts and emotions of many characters, as well as to see what's going on that a first person POV might not know.

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