

Why would a tooth soaked in coke gain weight?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Why would a tooth soaked in coke gain weight?
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How long does it take for Coke to decay the teeth?

The decay process caused by Coke on teeth can vary depending on factors such as frequency of consumption, oral hygiene practices, and overall health. Acidic drinks like Coke can start to erode tooth enamel within minutes of consumption, but significant decay may take longer, possibly weeks or months with regular consumption. It's important to limit acidic drinks and maintain good dental hygiene to help protect your teeth.

Does coke softens a tooth?

no, it dosnt. In fact one of my friends put a ral tooth in coke after about 5 minutes the tooth was gone. so coke actually ruins your teeth causing them to decay. :)

What happens to bone soaked in cola?

it gets alot of bubbles on it and the coke starts to fizz

How long does it take a half tooth to dissolve in coke?

6 Hours

How can you prevent damage in your teeth made by soda?

well, I'm going to use coke for an example, out a tooth i a cup of coke and keep it there for the night, see what happens.when i did it, the tooth had dissapeared. this proves that soda is bad for you teeth. if you don't believe me, find out yourself. I would get a cup of coke and use half an egg shel nd leave it in the glass for at leat a day or longer if you desire.Another way is to boil an egg in coke but the first one is the best.xx

Does Pepsi cause tooth decay?

All Sodas can over a long period of time. I would say that coke would cause faster decay than pepsi.

Does coke taste good?

Coke does taste nice but is quite sugary so you need to brush your teeth quite often. If you put a tooth in a bottle of coke overnight. The next day it will disappear because coke is kind of acidy

Is coke hypotonic or hyertonic?

I thought coke was hypertonic at first but after the experiment, i found it was definetely HYPOTONIC! Coke will increase the eggs weight.

What rhymes with croaking?

Bloke, Broke, Smoke, Cloak, Poke, Coke (a-cola and otherwise), Soak.

What is the average weight of a wooden pallet of coca-cola cases?

It depends whether it's Coke or Diet Coke. Diet Coke is lighter.

What size bottle for a coke rocket goes the highest?

56,000 gallons. Anything bigger and the weight would have a major effect.

How many sugar cubes in a Coke?

There are 10 sugar cubes in a Coke. The sugar content increases the larger the Coke size. Coke and soda like this are an easy way to lose weight.