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There are a few reasons. Here are some possibilities:

  • The nearest hospital was full
  • Your condition required that you go to another hospital (for different equipment or staff)
  • Your insurance required a specific hospital
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Q: Why would an ambulance NOT take you to the closest hospital?
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Can a dead body be shifted in ambulance and whether it is legal?

An ambulance is intended to move people who are still living but are in need of medical help. Of course, it is possible that a person who is living when the ambulance picks him or her up, will die in the ambulance before getting to the hospital. If this happens, the ambulance will still take the body to the hospital (where it may be subjected to an autopsy). However, if a person is already dead, you would not call an ambulance, you would call a hearse. As for the legalities, it is illegal to inflict an indignity on a dead body, but being carried in an ambulance would not be considered an indignity. In some circumstances it would be a waste of medical resources, needed to help the living.

How long would it take for an ambulance to take you to the hospital?

There is no answer to your question. There are too many variables for a definite answer. Some of the variables are distance, traffic, severity of injury, etc.

What if a person is nauseated vomiting and lapsing in and out of consciousness?

In such a case, it would be imperative to call 911 and have an ambulance take the person to the emergency department of a hospital.

What do ambulance?

The Ambulance is kind of vehicle for transportation of sick people. It is one of the safe vehicle for Injured or sick people to take him from Casualty places to hospital.

What should you do if you rub glue all over yourself?

Call an ambulance and they will take you to the hospital to do something

How do patients who got the hospital by ambulance get home?

Usually a family member or friend will pick up the patient or they might take a taxi, or hospital patient transport can be organized. If the patient is bedridden, the ambulance may transport the patient home.

How do paramedics take you in to the hospital if you have Swine Flu?

It depends on how mobile you are. Assuming the person with the swine flu is very ill since they called paramedics and need hospital care, then they would likely be having respiratory shortness of breath, cough, fever and other serious symptoms. The paramedics would probably use a gurney or rolling bed to move the person from home to an ambulance and then from the ambulance into the hospital emergency room. On the way in the ambulance (and perhaps in the home before moving the patient to the ambulance), paramedics will provide first responder aid to stablize the person, monitoring, providing oxygen, etc.

Take a cold bath, it?

Take a cold bath, it'll be fine in 20 minutes. You might also consider calling and ambulance and going to the hospital.

Can a helicopter ambulance help animals?

Yes i believe so... Obviously examine the situation and see if you really really need an ambulance or if you can take him to the vet :) saves money because then you only have to pay for gas/vet fees not ambulance and hospital fees put together :)

How will hospitals be useful in a natural disaster?

any ambulance vehicle that is unharmed can take people to the closest hospitals if there no am balance then they can use unharmed vehicles

What part of the pitch does an injured player leave?

They will usually take an injured player to the closest side line. Unless they are seriously injured in which case they take them down the tunnel or to where the ambulance is.