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He's hiding something.

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Q: Why would be the reason your narcissist ex boyfriend wont answer his home phone anymoreonly his cell sometimes?
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Why is it so hard to leave a female narcissist?

Because we are men we (sometimes) want what we cant have. It's just like on TV shows where you see the Narcissistic female cheerleader have all the boys drool over her. The boys are drawn 1: By her beuty 2: Her Confidence 3: and we know she's out of our league. The reason we don't leave a narcissist is because we know that we have feeling for her, but she's just living in the moment. Narcissist have no commintment and feed off of other peoples love for them.

Get over a boyfriend?

Sometimes knowing the reason your boyfriend broke up with you is easier, so you're not clueless about why he dumped you. Try to keep being friends with him. If you don't want to be friends, then burn a picture of him and tell yourself that it's his loss, not yours.

Does a narcissist every change any behaviors for example stop drinking?

No. A narcissist cannot change. Narcissism is an untreatable personality disorder. It is unrealistic to believe a narcissist can change any behavior. In the world of the narcissist, he or she is center, remorseless, and sees no reason to change. He may manipulate his chosen one into believing he will change as manipulation and omnipotence are core to his insatiable need to control and keep his partner. Losing is not an option for the narcissist. Because of his inability to feel remorse, the narcissist acts out normal responses based purely on observation of others. He may say he will stop drinking to keep the relationship of abuse and chaos intact. Indeed, he cannot perceive a reason not to do exactly as he chooses to do. The narcissist lacks the ability to be accountable to any person or promise. He has no sense of remorse, no need or feelings for others exept to objectify

Will a narcissist treat a wealthy woman better than he treated his past relationships?

A narcissist is not likely to treat a wealthy woman better than he treated his past relationships. The reason for this is because he can't truly change his ways without help.

How do you talk to an ex-boyfriend?

there's a reason they are a ex

Gain respect from your boyfriend?

Give him a reason to trust in you

When your boyfriend says he wants nothing to do with you?

He's not your boyfriend anymore, for whatever reason he's ended the relationship.

Why are you so obsessed with your ex boyfriend?

the reason why are you so obsessed with your ex-boyfriend is because you still have feelings for him!

What happen if my boyfriend don't want his friend to know about you?

There is a reason. I would try to find out what that reason is.

When to leave your boyfriend?

If you have a good reason the two of you cannot overcome

What do you do if you are shy and you want a boyfriend?

Be yourself everything happens for a reason

Should I let go of my feelings for my ex boyfriend?

No, you have them for a reason